Did anyone notice a bit of objection, possibly even a hint of outrage, over the implementation of the HST in Ontario? If you did notice, maybe you also noticed the McGuinty government's response.
Let me paraphrase, if I may...
Too fucking bad people, we're doing it whether you like it of not because it's good for US. By the way, you Ontarians are way to stupid for self determination so just shut up.
More recently, the McGuinty crowd decided to step in and interfere with the PRIVATE BUSINESS arrangement between pharmacies and their prescription drug suppliers regarding "professional fees". This new policy will both increase the price of prescriptions while reducing the services that a pharmacy can afford to offer for free. In fact, it will drive a number of independents out of business. Again, there was serious objection from consumers and professionals alike.
Again, if I may paraphrase the McGuinty response...
Too fucking bad people, we're doing it whether you like it of not because it's good for US. By the way, you Ontarians are way to stupid for self determination so just shut up.
Today, after receiving objections by the religious right to proposed changes in Ontario's public school sexual education curriculum, Dalton's response...
Oh Shit, you're right, my bad!
So, the question is, who does Dalton McGuinty listen to? I think the answer is pretty clear, I know it's not me.
Let me paraphrase, if I may...
Too fucking bad people, we're doing it whether you like it of not because it's good for US. By the way, you Ontarians are way to stupid for self determination so just shut up.
More recently, the McGuinty crowd decided to step in and interfere with the PRIVATE BUSINESS arrangement between pharmacies and their prescription drug suppliers regarding "professional fees". This new policy will both increase the price of prescriptions while reducing the services that a pharmacy can afford to offer for free. In fact, it will drive a number of independents out of business. Again, there was serious objection from consumers and professionals alike.
Again, if I may paraphrase the McGuinty response...
Too fucking bad people, we're doing it whether you like it of not because it's good for US. By the way, you Ontarians are way to stupid for self determination so just shut up.
Today, after receiving objections by the religious right to proposed changes in Ontario's public school sexual education curriculum, Dalton's response...
Oh Shit, you're right, my bad!
So, the question is, who does Dalton McGuinty listen to? I think the answer is pretty clear, I know it's not me.